I'm not a fan of Guns 'n Roses but the weather was rather dreary today so it seems fitting. I think this blog will ultimately be a great place to share ways in which life is funny, sometimes funny- ha ha, sometimes not. Most people seem to use their blogs as places to share personal triumphs and deep musings. I'm not most people! I don't have any adorable kids, no strapping husband, heck right now not even an inspiring career (or even a job) but before you start sending me tea and e-sympathy, I'm okay with it. If you're anything like me, you may spend a bit too much time looking forward to the wonderful watershed moments in life. Those are great and all, no question, but most of life is a little more grey than that. Learning to live with or at least laugh at that can't hurt.
I like to cook. Usually, I'm pretty good at it. Today I made what is shown above. I don't know what it is, it looks like slop though. You could call it chicken stew but it is too bean-y. Basically, I went to the grocery hungry and this was the result. Perhaps it is just like weather and is a pot of clouds. It looks like it has mushrooms in it from this photo, but friends, it is not as high brow as all of that. It was really just a culinary vomit and a little too oniony but heck it was dinner-and lunch tomorrow, and maybe even dinner again, one never knows...