Monday, December 7, 2009

The Heart of Life good.
Sometimes I suppose you just have to believe that sort of thing. Sometimes the evidence just seems to evaporate into the flat evening air. I was listening to a sad song this evening, and I found that the tempo was still too fast for the way I was feeling. The problem is that I've had to hurt someone I love. I tried to have it both ways for the longest time. I thought we could both fit in the life boat but that turned out not to be true. Time heals all wounds, they say...but does time, (do waves?) erase the look on his face as I pry my hands from his and slowly paddle away?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Cherry Ghost!

Well, this little ghostie finally has a job! I'm so happy to have finally secured employment but I am overjoyed to at last have scored the job of my dreams! I'm a newly minted academic administrator and I'm loving it. Something about the energy of youth being all around makes me want to just jump up and and get "growing" in the intellectual sense!

I was able to start my new career after a lovely visit to NYC. I managed to connect with family and friends and share in the warmth of the season with excitement for the future. I know I'm normally rather sarcastic, so please indulge me in my rose-colored mental celebration of a dream come true!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November Rain

I'm not a fan of Guns 'n Roses but the weather was rather dreary today so it seems fitting. I think this blog will ultimately be a great place to share ways in which life is funny, sometimes funny- ha ha, sometimes not. Most people seem to use their blogs as places to share personal triumphs and deep musings. I'm not most people! I don't have any adorable kids, no strapping husband, heck right now not even an inspiring career (or even a job) but before you start sending me tea and e-sympathy, I'm okay with it. If you're anything like me, you may spend a bit too much time looking forward to the wonderful watershed moments in life. Those are great and all, no question, but most of life is a little more grey than that. Learning to live with or at least laugh at that can't hurt.

I like to cook. Usually, I'm pretty good at it. Today I made what is shown above. I don't know what it is, it looks like slop though. You could call it chicken stew but it is too bean-y. Basically, I went to the grocery hungry and this was the result. Perhaps it is just like weather and is a pot of clouds. It looks like it has mushrooms in it from this photo, but friends, it is not as high brow as all of that. It was really just a culinary vomit and a little too oniony but heck it was dinner-and lunch tomorrow, and maybe even dinner again, one never knows...

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Welcome to my little piece of the internet. I'm glad you're here, because if you weren't I would seem exactly as self-absorbed as I am, ha ha ha! Seriously, though, hopefully this blog will entertain one (or on extraordinary days) both of us. I hope to share things with you and here's hoping you'll share a few things with me (preferably things I can steal and pass off as my own). Friends have told me that I am good at finding ridiculous websites so I'll pass some of those along as well. Above all else, this is a spot for fun; check your serious-side at the Fabio fan club chat room you just left and join the fete!